Inflatable clouds for S7 airlines in Irkutsk
On August 10th, the grand opening of the cultural brand space Air Lounge took place at the central square of the Fashion Quarter
shopping center in Irkutsk. The venue was adorned with enormous white clouds, created by the team of Aerodinamika.
In these inflatable clouds, a vibrant green airplane tail could be seen, featuring the recognizable symbol of S7 Airlines. Thanks to the innovative decor, the organizers successfully established an atmosphere of airiness, lightness, and positive vibes.
The photo zone with the inflatable cloud props titled Catch the Summer
garnered maximum attention from event guests. Hundreds of bright photographs were taken, videos were recorded for social media, and plenty of smiles were exchanged.
A simple idea, executed with clarity and precision, transformed the event into a space filled with laughter, fun, and great energy. For many years, Aerodinamika has been creating atmospheric event decor for outdoor celebrations and beyond. We are always excited to be part of large-scale projects that bring joy and delightful memories to people.